So as a dog owner, you might be wondering what fruit you can feed your dog that will make them happy and healthy. There are lots of fruits you can feed your dog, but you need to be careful and know which fruits they can and can’t eat.
Can fruit be part of a dog's daily diet?
When considering what a dog’s diet should consist of, most owners think about meat, fruit, and vegetables. While vegetables make great treats, they should not be a dog’s primary source of nutrients.
Fruit is a better option when you want to give your dog a treat, and can be added to their regular diet. So, can fruit be part of a dog's daily diet?
The answer is yes, but only in small amounts.
A dog's digestive system is not designed to process the fiber found in fruit. The majority of fiber is absorbed and excreted by a dog’s body. While it is not harmful for a dog to eat fruit, eating too much will cause your dog to become constipated.
Can dogs eat apples?
Quick answer, yes, dogs can eat apples. They are a good source of nutrients, including certain vitamins and minerals, and can be included in a balanced diet.However, not all types of apples are safe for dogs, as some are toxic, and it's important to remove the seeds, stems, and core before serving them.
If you're not sure what kind of apple you have, or if you're not sure if it's safe to give to your dog, it's best to talk to your veterinarian first.
Can dogs eat bananas?
While dogs can eat bananas, it's important to first consider whether your dog has other underlying health conditions that can be negatively affected by the presence of bananas, such as; a) kidney disease b) diabetes c) thyroid problems.
If your dog doesn't have any of these conditions, then a banana or two won't cause any harm, but be sure to keep an eye on your pooch. Bananas are very high in sugar, which can trigger an out-of-control sweet tooth in some dogs, and lead to the eating of other foods that aren't as good for them.
Also make sure the bananas are ripe. Unripe bananas have a toxin called linamarin which is a cyanide-based compound. (Luckily, this toxin is mostly removed from commercially grown bananas).
Can dogs eat blueberries?
The short answer is that giving your dog blueberries is generally a safe and healthy thing to do. The long answer is, well, longer. It turns out that dogs can eat blueberries, but that they should only be given blueberries in moderation, as with most fruits.
If your dog eats too many blueberries or any other food, he could get sick. The reason that blueberries are safe for dogs to eat is that blueberries do not contain any toxic compounds. Blueberries are not poisonous to dogs. They are safe for dogs to eat.
Can dogs eat grapes?
Grapes are a healthy snack for humans, but they can be very dangerous for dogs. If you want to know whether or not your dog can eat grapes, the answer is almost always no.
Dogs and grapes do not mix. Grapes have the potential to cause your dog a great deal of harm, and can even be fatal. The problem is that the skin of the grape is toxic to dogs, and contains a chemical called "theobromine" which is a natural stimulant. If enough grapes are eaten then the theobromine can cause heart problems and even death.
Can dogs eat oranges?
Dogs can eat oranges, but only in small quantities. Also, you should only give your dog oranges if they do not have sensitive stomachs. Most dogs can eat oranges without any problems.
In fact, Oranges have many health benefits and are a very good source of vitamin B, vitamin C, and Potassium. Make sure you peel them first though.
Can dogs eat peaches?
Oh boy, this is a tricky one, and the answer isn’t as simple as it may seem.
Peach pits contain small quantities of a natural toxin called Cyanogen Glycoside. This compound is harmful to humans and can cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness if ingested.
Although the amount of cyanide in peach pits is not large enough to be fatal to a dog, as little as 1/8 of a teaspoon can be dangerous to a small dog. Peach pits are very dangerous to dogs, and can be fatal.
Pets are not able to tell us when they are in pain, so it is important to be aware of signs that indicate your pet is feeling pain.
Can dogs eat raspberries?
Raspberries are a great, fat-free and delicious treat for humans, but are they safe for dogs?
The fruit is relatively safe for dogs to eat in small amounts, but it is not recommended that dogs eat too many raspberries. Because the fruit is relatively high in sugar, large amounts of raspberries may cause an upset stomach.
Also, they need to be fresh and not canned. Canned raspberries are a lot higher in sugar.
Can dogs eat strawberries?
Dogs can eat strawberries if given in moderation, though it should not be a part of their regular diet. Like their namesake, strawberries are red, sweet, and juicy, but they are also high in sugar and other ingredients that dogs shouldn’t eat in large amounts. Too many in one sitting can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea.
The ASPCA recommends that you cut up strawberries for your pet to be able to chew the fruit safely.
Can dogs eat tomatoes?
Tomatoes are very tasty, but can dogs eat them? The answer is: yes, but only the ripe, red ones. Tomatoes are in the same family as potatoes, eggplants, and peppers, and these vegetables are toxic to dogs. Tomatoes that are green or unripe are poisonous to dogs.
Unripe tomatoes contain tomatine, which can cause your dog to vomit or even have heart issues, so make sure they are ripe.