Photo Guidelines

Photo Guidelines

It is crucial the photo you upload follows certain guidelines to make sure our artists can accurately re-create the colors and characteristics of your pet. Our artists can only work from the selected photo you upload when placing your order. If the photo is not a good likeness of the color etc then the portrait won't be either.

To help you get the best pet portrait, we’ve listed our guidelines below:

  • Number of Pets: Please only upload one photo per pet. We can do portraits with multiple pets, however, we still need separate photos of each.
  • Good Camera: Use a good quality camera or smartphone for a nice sharp photo. Making sure your pet is in focus.
  • Lighting: Make sure your photo has good lighting. Outside in daylight, or a bright room. If the lighting is bad, colors will be affected.
  • Position: Use a photo that's on eye level with your pet. These make the best portraits.
  • Frame: Make sure you get all their head (including ears), neck and chest are in the frame. If ears are cropped,  we can't guarantee re-creating them.

Examples of good and bad photos

good photo upload example


  • Decent lighting
  • Eye level 
  • Head neck and chest in frame
  • Both ears in the frame
bad photo example


  • Ear cut off
  • Not on eye level 
  • Dog looking up
  • Bad lighting
shih tzu bad photo example


  • Not on eye level
  • Bad lighting
  • Neck and chest not in the frame

Overall, please stick to these guidelines. The quality of your pet portrait relies massively on how good your photo is. So please try your best when selecting a photo to upload, so we can create the best pet portrait possible for you.

If you’re unsure about a photo, send it to and we’ll let you know if it’s suitable.